diary, girl, journal, musings, opinions, words

I watched ‘Twilight’ today. My excuse – Guilty Pleasure.

For probably the 673rd time, Pix had ‘Twilight’ on and I watched it. Yes. *stupid grin* I know I am the kind of person who still cracks the ‘Still a better love story than Twilight’ joke at every opportunity that presents itself. I am the one who smirks at girls who swoon for the sparkly, pale-faced excuse of a vampire. I am the TVD fan whose idea of a vampire to perfection is Niklaus Mikaelson, even though he is a hybrid but just because of his sexy british accent, the puppy dog eyes and that lopsided smirk! *swoon*

*immediately refrains from going into a fangirl rampage and gets back to topic*

So yes, I watched Twilight today for no particular reason and I have to admit, I watched it till the end credits. *guilty grin* And I have no fricking idea why I am currently drowning myself in guilt! I am guilty of having read the first 3 books multiple times, the books weren’t that bad but the last one just repulsed me with the whole monster-on-board thing. I mean, okay, I trashed it all along but that doesn’t mean I am barred from ever indulging in it. Just like a lot of you reading this read my every post but never go for the Like button! Caught you! 😛

Don’t we all have guilty pleasures? Like that extra donut you have even after you know you have crossed your share limit like 5 donuts ago. Like that Mills&Boons you snuck into English literature class. Like that yummy piece of fried chicken you gobbled up while on a juice cleanse. Like those pretty pair of shoes you splurged on even though you knew they were over budget and your shoe rack will probably literally come to life and run away if you put another shoe on it. Like the time you borrowed the uncut Fifty Shades of Grey and watched it with your girl gang. Like that Honey Singh song that you loop but never tell anyone about. Like that boy you said yes to and went on to fall hopelessly in love with while knowing all along that he would break your heart eventually. Haven’t you ever caught yourself giving ‘wise as an owl’ advice to someone else all along knowing that you believe in none of it but nonetheless say it out loud because it makes you feel better about yourself? That is probably the most common one that all of us are charged with repeatedly! 😛

They are called ‘Guilty Pleasures’ for a reason and the world is a happier place because of these same sneaky little devils. Though we know that eventually the donuts go settle on your hips, the books feed your dreams or the boy will brutally leave you broken, it’s the indulgence that leads upto the obvious that is just too tempting and satisfying to be shunned! 😀 It gives you momentary fulfilment or probably it’s just an escape from something that you would rather not be doing at that point. If not for guilty pleasures, how would you ever have the weird selfish satisfaction of having done something that you shouldn’t and the excitement that it brings with it? 😉

The guilt trip that follows is inevitable. You signed yourself up for it so you can’t really complain. Don’t consider your guilt trips your mistakes, consider them rewards that you have earned for yourself for all the other bull shit that life throws at you that you put up with. Make yourself feel better by reminding yourself that your guilty pleasure is probably much more innocent than your neighbour’s, because there is always someone who is more Loki than you. Give yourself excuses to indulge, because these pleasures are excuses for something else anyway. Because the way that we are living today, running after success and trudging blindly in search of validation, we deserve these selfish and greedy moments. I earned my Twilight today after all the sci-fi and use-your-head movies that I have endured recently.

When you look at it from a higher perspective, life is just too short to take anything seriously. You digressed once, what’s the big deal? You digressed again, so what? You’ll probably digress again and that is okay, as long as you are not killing someone because then you’re a serial killer. 😛 Do anything that makes you happy, even if it’s silly and stupid – trust me, silly and stupid is always fun, first hand experience! 😉

So, steal the donut! Read the wrong books! Watch the extremely mediocre romcoms! Indulge in shitty music! Binge eat someday! Throw around false advice! Fall for the wrong guy! If not for anything else, just to feel that instant rush and that momentary relief of self-satisfaction spawned by momentary greed. Feel all Loki. You know you’ve earned it. 😉

P. S. No. I am not apologising for watching Twilight. It had Jacob Black & hence I have my reasons! 😉

diary, discussion, girl, journal, life, opinions

Random rambling.


Everyone changes with time, it’s inevitable, I personally have gone through major fights involving ‘Oh you have changed!!’. But now that I think about it, I don’t see the point of it all.  Isn’t that what life is about? I mean, we grow up – Change. We graduate – Change. We grow taller – Change. We meet new people – Change. This list can go on for ages but the point here is – What is all the hullabaloo about personality changes? Why can’t a person choose who or how he wants to be. They might stop believing in a lot of stuff, start believing in new things, might look at a lot of things a different way. Each moment that they are facing this ‘ever-changing’ world, their defense strategies and the way they react to things ought to change, else they are bound to get sucked into a state of uncertainty. where their very existence becomes a big question mark.

There are so many kinds of people out there. All these words we use to generalize people like ‘extrovert’, ‘jolly’, ‘boring’, ‘fun’ etc. just seem so unfair. I mean, along the way, you end up judging each person based on the category that he is stereotyped into. Not even the person in question understands himself so fully, let alone an outsider who doesn’t live the life of the person he is trying to figure out. So, basically the point is to lay back and choose who you want to be but the more important point is to never choose who you want the other person to be, irrespective of the kind of relationship that you have with that person. You can never own a person. You can bring new life into this world. You can make another person the center of your universe. But that is your choice and your choice ends there.

I guess being an emotional person, having been brought up in an environment where everything and everyone mattered, your emotions are sometimes out of your grasp. It can be hard to not let something bother you. it is not like you want it to. But what I have come to understand is that not everything can be how you pictured it to be. The problem is that seeing even the slightest of changes in another person is very easy, it comes naturally almost but it’s really hard to recognize the changes in yourself let alone accept them. Sometimes, even the biggest of changes that we gradually inculcate into our personalities go unnoticed by ourselves because we never consciously put effort into every single thing happening with us. We get influenced by so many factors around us, small and sometimes incredibly big, some knowingly but most of the time unknowingly and there, my friend, is where the root cause lies.

You can never escape such things, you can only choose to make them less impacting. And there are rules to that,

1. Don’t expect change from others. Decide if the issue is worth changing yourself for or just ignore and let time do it’s thing.
2. Don’t react on an impulse and jump to conclusions. If you already have then it’s probably time to take a break from all the excessive analysis and thinking.
3. Err…….

Okay, halfway through that I realized I was just rambling on like some ‘wise guru’ whereas I consider myself a ’emo-wreck’. So, let’s drop the ‘I know what I am saying and you can trust me’ façade and get “normal”. If you are expecting a solution to this from me by the end of this post, then you will be disappointed. This is just how I look at it, this is what I have figured out (hopefully.) but I don’t think any of us will ever reach a point where we will remain unaffected by another person. We will always weave strings of attachment, of hope, of expectations, of faith in others. After all, we are a species that thrives on it’s social relations. So, that is it! Everyone goes through these phases but just like my mom says to every problem that I tell her about – ‘It will pass’. That is the easiest ‘first-level’ solution to every problem. Try this and when this doesn’t work we will probably move onto the next level. But then again, when will u know when to move onto the next level…… Errrr….. So there you go!

Questions, questions and more questions! Life.